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Professor Professor Saul Bloxham

Dean of School

School of Health & Wellbeing

01752 636700 Ext:6526


Saul Bloxham

Role Summary





PhD-Exercise and Sport Science
BSc(Hons)-Exercise and Sport Science
Level 4 advanced fitness instructor with specialisms in chronic Low back pain and cancer



Sport and Exercise Physiology. Physical Activity and Health. Pediatric Exercise Science. Talent Identification and Development.



Saul has secured NHS funding to establish the University's physical activity programmes designed to support patients with chronic low back pain and cacner. Research in both these areas is on-going but it hasbeen presented in various conferences, papers and book chapters. Saul has secured funding over £200, 000 to deliver physical activity programmes and initiatives in the last 7 years. Saul’s PhD research was conducted at the University of Exeter in the area of paediatric exercise science.  Using longitudinal design, he investigated the changes that occur in children’s fitness according to age, sex andmaturation having accounted for a plethora of confounding variables.  Also investigated were the effects of ergometer type on assessing the development of both aerobic and anaerobic performance and metabolic specialisation of young people.

In addition to children's health and fitness, Saul's other research interests include long-term athlete development, the relative age effect, wearable technology and physical activity and health. Saul is currently serving as External Examiner for the University of Middlesex Masters Degree’s in Sport and Exercise Science and Strength and Conditioning. He regularly reviews papers for the Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, and the Journal of Sport Science.  



  • S. Bloxham, and S. Kendall (2013) The fitness profile and participation levels of 13-14 year old children in relation to land and marine based physicalactivities. Presented at BASES Conference 2013.
  • S. Bloxham, B. Jane, P. Salisbury (2012) Integrating service provision, research, and student learning in sport and health science: A replicable model? In: What is Research Led teaching; Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives (2012) Crest Guild HE (Eds) A .Miller, J. Sharp, J. Strong
  • S. Bloxham and D. Betty (2012) The effects of an exercise intervention programme on patients suffering from prostate cancer - A mixed methods approach. Presented to the annual Learning and Teaching Research Conference at the University of St Mark and St John
  • S. Bloxham (2010) Physiological responses to playing the Nintendo Wii; sufficient to promote health?? A gender comparison to brisk walking. Journal of Physical Activity and Human Development, 4.
  • S. Bloxham, N. Armstrong and J.R. Welsman. (2005) Ergometer specific relationships between peak oxygen uptake and peak power output in children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 12, p136-149.
  • S. Bloxham. N. Armstrong and J.R. Welsman (2003). Cross sectional analysis of the relationship between peak oxygen uptake and peak power output in young males. Journal of Sports Sciences, 21: pp 294-295.
  • S. Bloxham, N. Armstrong, M.B.A. De Ste Croix, J.R. Welsman (2001). An ergometer specific analysis of peak aerobic power and short-term power output in 11-12 year-old boys and girls. Pediatric Exercise Science, 13.

Expert Membership of professional bodies



Roles on external bodies



Other Interests


Followinga short playing career as a professional footballer with Birmingham City, Saul enrolled on a Sport and Exercise Science Degree at the University of Exeter.

In his spare time Saul enjoys surfing, mountain biking and hiking inthe outdoors with his family

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