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Trainee teachers most satisfied in UK

Released: 22.11.16

Trainee teachers studying at Marjon are some of the most satisfied PGCE students in the country, according to a recent report.

The annual PTES Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) asks students about their learning and teaching experience. Results showed that Marjon’s PGCE students are 92% satisfied with their course overall, compared to the UK sector average of 83%.

In fact, the results showed that all postgraduate students at Marjon were very satisfied overall, with Marjon ranked in the top 10%, performing in the top quartile in the UK for teaching, engagement, assessment and skills development.

Dr Elizabeth Smith, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Learning, Teaching and Student Experience at the University, said: “We take student feedback and analysis of this kind of data very seriously.  To achieve such positive feedback reflecting student satisfaction which is well above that of the rest of the UK is very encouraging.

“We have a growing postgraduate community that is clearly demonstrating satisfaction with our programmes and we will continue to build on this very solid foundation to ensure students continue to be impressed with the high quality education experience at Marjon.”

Dr Ian Luke, Dean of Education & Social Sciences, added: “To be in the top 10% in the UK is fantastic, and combined with excellent OFSTED results in teacher training and superb NSS results, more undergraduates will be encouraged to stay on at Marjon, knowing they will continue to have an excellent student journey here.”

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