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Student-led Memory Café helps people with dementia

Released: 05.11.19

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The Marjon Memory Café provides an opportunity for people with dementia and other memory disorders and their family and carers to regularly meet up and exchange information and their experiences of living with memory problems.

Marjon Memory Café offers a friendly and informal environment where guests can feel safe and enjoy the outing from home, and take part in a range of activities. The activities on offer focus on reminiscing, and this can involve discussion around old photos, familiar items from the past, music and films, or art & craft sessions.

The Café runs in groups of around 10 individuals plus students, and provides the opportunity to participate in a range of activities in a relaxed atmosphere over offer tea, coffee and biscuits.

Chantal, one of the students involved with the Café, said: “My favourite aspect of the Memory Café as a volunteer has been the chance to have fun and share company and experiences. It is a great way to bring people together and make a difference to someone's day.”

Attending the group isn’t just a social activity, but the group also aims to promote memory and a sense of wellbeing. Dave, who attends the café regularly, said: “The café is very friendly, and there are some really great activities to test the brain.”

The Memory Café gives Marjon students the opportunity to get hands-on experience interacting with the public, organising activities, and specific experience working with people with dementia, their carers, and their families. Laura, who has helped in the organising of the Memory Café, said: “I love the Memory Café because I get to meet lovely new people who have a lot more life experience than me, and they have great stories to tell! It also makes me value the importance of my memory, and that simply having a cup of tea and a laugh with others can really help anyone, whether affected by loss of memory or not.”

Find out more about Marjon Memory Café

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